The Invisibility Cloak continues with Ge Fei’s intense concern for and pondering over reality that began with his “Utopian Trilogy.” There is great suspense within the story’s tale of turbulent pursuits of fame and fortune; danger, treachery, and uncertainty are an element of this in a society undergoing drastic changes – namely, China during its transitional period from the seventies to today. In the novella, the constantly fluctuating circumstances and trajectories of people are seen from the perspective of an ordinary man. Ge Fei’s meticulous and precise narration cuts through the varied vanities of society and clearly shows the aspects of life that are cruel and petty, peaceful and sober. This method touches on the softest spots of human nature and digs deep within our fate.
The novella is a unique artistic piece, which can be seen as an important re-exploration into literary style by Ge Fei. The book is rich in both interpretation and admiration of classical music. This is starkly contrasted by the disorderliness and indulgent desires of the world and creates tension between the spiritual idealism of the main character and the dangers of reality. The novella’s protagonist maintains a constant passion for music throughout the work. However, suffering, loss, and deprivation become an unavoidable part of both his relationship with music and with his everyday life. The unraveling of this fate is rich in symbolism and is clearly grounded in real life, and the novella’s structure shows great originality. Ge Fei’s writing is succinct and the narrative is calm and unhurried. The informed references to high quality sound systems are well integrated into the plot and give the work a unique texture. Both thrilling and complex, the structure of the plot reflects much of the darkness and ruthlessness characteristic of Gothic artistic style. The novella is considered to have reached the heights of artistic expression afforded by the Chinese language.
Author Profile
Ge Fei, penname of Liu Yong, was born in Dantu, Jiangsu Province, in 1964.
In 1981, he was accepted into the Chinese Language Department at East China Normal University. After graduating, he stayed at the institution, teaching and eventually receiving his doctorate in literature in 2000. That year, he transferred to Tsinghua University’s Chinese Language Faculty to take on a teaching post. Ge Fei published his first work, a novella entitled Mizhou, in 1987, which soon established fame for him. He has since published six novels and five novellas, in addition to a number of short story collections and prose essays.
Ge Fei is known for his deep reflection concerning literary, social, and historical issues. His works possess a distinctive tenacity, elegance, exactness, and keen intellect, which blend together to form a style that is both unique and fresh within China’s contemporary literary circles. Various works of his have received awards. The novelistic collection Jiangnan Trilogy won the 9th Mao Dun Literature Prize, and the novella The Invisibility Cloak was awarded both the Lu Xun Literature Prize and the Lao She Literature Prize in 2014. Additionally, he has received various literary prizes such as the 2004 Chinese Language Media Outstanding Achievement Award, the Second 21st Century Biennial Ding Jun Literature Prize, and The Beijing News 2011 Respected Literature. Ge Fei’s works have also been translated and published abroad in such languages as English, French, Italian, and Japanese.
Master Cui is an independent merchant and installation expert of high-quality hi-fi systems. He loves classical music and is both very familiar with and knowledgeable of musical composition and relevant equipment. He is closely associated with others who share the passion. The knowledge of his wife’s affair brings their marriage to an end. Following their divorce, Master Cui leaves the apartment to his wife and begins staying at his elder sister’s. His mother then dies, and he is vulgarly forced out of his sister’s apartment by the couple. His friend Jiang Songping solicits customers for Cui, but coldly denies his request for further assistance. Master Cui is left without a fixed residence and classical music becomes his spiritual refuge.
One day, Master Cui is commissioned to assemble a top-quality sound system for a wealthy official named Ding Caichen. Cui has wanted to acquire enough money to buy an apartment, so he reluctantly decides to part with something he treasures: the AUTOGRAPH sound system produced by the English company Tannoy. The system’s original owner died in a mountain climbing accident, and his family sold it quickly to pay off his debts. It was in this way that Master Cui had chanced upon the sound system that became an inseparable part of his life.
Unexpectedly, the official Ding Caichen commits suicide and Master Cui meets an abused and mutilated woman who had been confined in Ding’s villa. Her face is disfigured from the experience. They begin living together and have a daughter. Master Cui never finds out her true identity or what she had looked like prior to her disfigurement. He never gets over the beautiful ex-wife, and even uses her name to address the mutilated woman. The woman does not object. The entirety of the large fee Ding Caichen had agreed to for the installation of the sound system before killing himself is still paid to Master Cui in full.