“Yuanji”, the homonym of the protagonist’s name, is the word used to describe the passing of a senior monk, meaning “all goodness fulfilled, all evilness dissipated”, that is, attaining nirvana. As a result, this story is symbolic from the very beginning.
Yuanji was born without limbs—no arms, no legs. He is only half the height of a normal-sized person and can only move with the strength of his entire body. His life consists of sitting on a small chair all day long and begging. He has to endure the look of shock, pity or disgust from people. He needs to eat with his mouth from a dish like a cat or a dog.
Yuanji experiences contempt, coldness, and bullying from many people. As a result, he doubts whether there is any meaning to his life. After begging for many years, he is saved by Buddhist Master Jingtong, and he learns that his name and the Buddhist term “Yuanji” are homonyms. Suddenly, he feels that perhaps his life does have a meaning. After this discovery, he learns to forgive everything, forget everything, and focus on being calm in the face of life. He becomes City of Dragon’s “Breathing Buddha,” purifying his friend Puyun and influencing many people in the city with his calmness and serenity.
The short story is written in a calm, atmospheric, and deliberate manner. On display is the young writer’s artistry and skill, which creates a tale that resonates on many levels with the reader.
Author Profile
Li Di’an, also known as Di’an, was born in 1983, in the city of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in China. After her graduation from Taiyuan No. 5 Middle School in 2001, she was admitted into the History Department at Shanxi University in the same year. In 2002 she went to Paris-Sorbonne University to study sociology, where she earned a Master’s Degree in 2010. Di’an is currently a contract writer for the ZUI World Culture Development Lt. and an editor for ZUI Found magazine.
As an active writer since 2003, she has published seven novels, including Farewell Paradise, A Lotus like Face, and the Memory in the Trilogy of the City of Dragon. Her short stories include Attaining Nirvana, Lily, In Memory of the Little Dragon Maiden, The Lost Butterfly, and River Seine Never Freezes. In addition, she has published several essays, such as The Remains of the Banquet, Mr. Manzo, and Wind, Flower, Snow and Moon.
During his fifth year as a beggar, on an early summer morning under a shining sun, Yuanji first met Puyun.
A young girl of only four or five with radiant eyes surprisingly appeared before him and asked, “Are you a Transformer?” Rarely could he look at someone without lifting his head, but because of the girl’s small size Yuanji was able to stare directly at her face. The cartoon Transformers was popular at this time, and each day, at a particular moment, the cartoon’s theme song could be heard all throughout the city. Yuanji looked at the child’s delicate face, smiled, and emphatically answered, “I am a Transformer.”
The little girl smiled, revealing two tiny canine teeth, cautiously approached Yuanji and accidently bumped into the iron box in front of him with her small shoes. She carefully looked at the coins inside of the box, stared into his eyes, and enthusiastically asked, “You are selling money, right?”
“Selling money?” For a moment, Yuanji froze, but then he suddenly understood her meaning. From the child’s logic it made sense: some people sell ice cream, others sell dough, or apples and so on; of course some people might also sell coins and banknotes. He responded, “Yes, I am.”
The girl was easily satisfied because all of her questions were answered. Next, she stretched out her hand and gently touched the deformed, handless arm exposed from underneath his T-shirt. Pointing, she asked, “What is this?”
Before he could answer, she answered her own question, “When you want to use your hand, your hand just comes out from under the T-shirt, is that right?”
Yuanji shook his head. Suddenly, sadness overcame him, and he added, “My hand has never come out from inside my shirt. I’ve never seen what my hand is really like.”
“How could that be?” She tilted her head, confused. “There must be something wrong; you should go get it fixed.”
The girl softly stroked the stub below his shoulder, and her delicate, tender touch suddenly caused Yuanji to feel deeply melancholic. He bowed his head and looked at her white and soft hands, whose five small nails were each painted with a faint, dark, red balsamine. This was the first time in his life that he dared to boldly stare at another person’s hands. No one knew this, but he was extremely curious about this one thing that everyone has but he does not. He had never had the courage to simply ask someone: “May I please see your hands?” He simply did not dare to ask this of anyone, he never dared to speak out what was in his heart.
“What is your name?” He asked the little girl.
“My name is Zhang Puyun,” she carefully and adorably enunciated.
“Where do you live?”
“Puyun Alley.” Seemingly uninterested in talking about herself, she quickly changed the subject, “With your hand this way, how do you eat?”
“Like an animal does, just using my mouth.”
“What if your back itches? How do you scratch yourself?” Puyun asked, staring.
“I just accept it,” Yuanji laughed.
“You just accept it?” She asked, nodding. “You really are something!”
“Many things I cannot change and must just accept,” he explained.
“Um…” Puyun’s face suddenly went red, she got close to Yuanji’s ear and quietly asked, “Then…how do you clean yourself?”
“This is my secret, I am not able to share,” Yuanji humorlessly answered, intimidating Puyun.
This is how Yuanji and Puyun first met.
Puyun’s home was not far from where Yuanji begged. In fact, Puyun’s home was quite similar to Yuanji’s, both being in narrow alleys lined with many small homes. It was called Puyun Alley because it was the location of a very famous temple in the City of Dragon named Puyun. The temple was ancient and always had a lot of worshipers, but only later would Yuanji discover this.
From that day forward Puyun would often come to where Yuanji begged—not every day, but from time to time. This continued until one day Yuanji had to move to a new spot. At that time he regretfully wondered whether Puyun would be disappointed when she was no longer able to find him.