A Community of Shared Future for Mankind—Chinese Plan for Global Governance
王帆 凌胜利 著
Author: Wang Fang, Ling Shengli
Hunan People's Publishing House
Content in Brief
人类命运共同体理念作为一种超越民族国家和意识形态的“全球观”,自提出到被写入联合国决议,获得了广泛的国际认同。该书从“新的国际观”“新理念 新举措”“联通周边与世界”“参与全球治理”四个篇章,以习近平总书记关于人类命运共同体的一系列阐述为主线,全面系统地阐述了人类命运共同体的思想渊源、丰富内涵、构建路径及中国为世界共同发展提供的新理念、新举措,梳理了十八大以来中国建设周边命运共同体及参与全球治理的实践,展现了中国维护世界和平、推动全球发展、建设国际新国际秩序的决心与能力,进一步树立了中国负责任大国的良好形象。
Chinese President Xi Jinping has mentioned the “China Plan” for global governance on several occasions, and pointed out “the world is so big and there are so many problems, the international community expects to hear the Chinese voice and witness Chinese’s plan.””China can’t be absent” clarifies China’s self-confidence in global governance. There is a long way to go for global governance. Why China cannot be absent? What kinds of attitude will China take to participate in global governance? What role will it play? What kind of “Chinese wisdom” can they provide? The book tries to find answers to this series of questions, to tell Chinese stories, to spread Chinese voices, and to show China’s good image as a responsible country.
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